Benefits of Glass Tank Diffuser
Reducing Micro-Plastic
You may have heard about the harm of micro-plastics and there’s a lot of speculation over the potential dangers. Researchers theorise everything from damage to the endocrine system (mainly our hormones) but everything from fertility issues to weight gain. Some believe microplastics may even have life-threatening issues.
Honestly we are not experienced enough to weigh in on this debate. We just know that it concerns us and it should concern you too. This feels all too familiar with the debate about BPA (a chemical found in the production of some plastics). For years people speculated the potential dangers, now it’s banned in multiple countries with varying restrictions (some even on everyday things like till receipts!)
People use diffusers for relaxing as well as improving mental and physical health. However, from the information we see it seems if you use plastic diffusers your health might be at risk as plastics tend to break down over time, especially with the exposure of UV from the sun. This means more microplastic and phthalates leaching in to the water tank. We think it’s best to avoid this – glass is the easy solution so we can stay relaxed when we use a diffuser.
This is the reason Mirrist exists. I (Pete) could no longer relax knowing I may be ruining my health and making life tougher as I get older. Just like people who were told smoking was good for their health in the 50s and now spend their ‘golden years’ coughing their lungs up. Best case scenario I reduce my chances of illness. Worst case scenario I have a nice-looking item in my home that will last a lifetime.
Durability and Recyclability
In general, plastic diffusers might last anywhere from several months to a few years, depending on usage and good old luck. Quality of components is the one of the critical elements of durability as the ceramic disk is usually the first component to fail (hence why Mirrist has a user replaceable disk to make the diffuser quick and easy to get working at 100% again). This is followed by the fan, power supply and lastly the circuit board – all of which can also easily be replaced.
Glass is not only more durable material compared to plastic because it wont break down through certain oils or UV but it also is endlessly recyclable. As much as we love the idea of Mirrist lasting a lifetime, we can rest assured that if you wish to recycle it then you can. In fact, no more moulded plastic parts means it’s easy to service Mirrist for a lifetime of eco-conscious use.
Mirrist is the sustainable glass diffuser
Mirrist focuses on eliminating microplastic pollution and reducing plastic waste for future generations. There is no plastic in the water tank – only glass, stainless steel and ceramic. All components are user replaceable and the cable for the power can be plugged in to any power source meaning you can use it almost anywhere you wish with any USB C lead!