
All user replaceable parts

Many ultrasonic diffusers are designed for a short life span before landfill – Mirrist can last a lifetime!

Solid design

2.5mm thick glass. Only a few glass options exist and they’re fragile.

No more noise

Using a large, quiet fan means it’s whisper quiet – perfect for light sleepers.

Choice of cable

Comes with a 1.8 metre braided power cable but you can use any style you like! It’s USB C powered.

British design,

worldwide shipping

Mirrist started as an idea built with modelling clay, from there I learnt to design and print a 3D proof of concept and finally create the fully working glass prototype.

Based in the UK and world-wide shipping. Shipping costs will be shown on the Kickstarter as these will be personalised to your location.

An infographic showing inside and out of Mirrist.

Just glass.

Inside Mirrist is a glass water tank with a user replaceable ultrasonic disk. Clean and eco friendly, great for both you and the environment! 

Water and essential oil…

Nothing more but simply scent and relaxation. 8-10 drop of your favourite essential or fragrance oil with 150ml of water leads to 6 hours of blissful scent.

Scent on demand

Ultrasonic diffusers give a stream of scent, they fill a room very quickly so they’re perfect for setting a mood and the best way to change to one of the thousands of scents available!

Power with USB C

We love standards – no more special cables you have to buy from the manufacturer. No more e-waste from random power supplies. Use any USB C cable you want and almost any USB power supply to run Mirrist.

Mirrist comes with a high quality braided USB C cable.

Close up image showing the glass water tank in Mirrist.

Say Goodbye to Plastic

Ever noticed how 99% of aromatherapy diffusers are plastic? If not on the outside, they will almost always be plastic on the inside. This needs to change. Every week I will see new articles stating serious health concerns with plastic coming in to contact with water and food. From experience I know that many aromatherapy oils break plastic down. This will just be diffused out of the device, which is far from therapeutic. 

Dimensions and Specification

Standing at 23cm (9 inches) tall with a square base of 10x10cm (4 inches), Mirrist is compact enough to go on any surface but still allows for 100ml of water to give 6-8 hours of scent. 


Running at just 700mA at 5V you can power this from many sources including power banks for varied use. Please just remember this is glass so keep it safe, it wont like being shaken.

The dimensions of Mirrist including power consumption.

Mirrist is an aromatherapy diffuser that adds scent to the space around you but unlike other diffusers – the oil and water stay inside a glass tank. But why stop at this?

Mirrist is built differently. Let’s change aromatherapy, view the about page for more info and please do add your email at the bottom of the page to support this project.

About me – Pete Bateman

Designer of Mirrist

Mirrist is a passion project of mine born out of a frustration of seeing the same plastic options for aromatherapy diffusers. I’m just a regular guy working a 9-5 job who has struggled over the years with sleep and the only thing that’s really made a difference is an evening routine with a diffuser at the centre of this. After trying multiple products I saw what was wrong with them and why they needed to change. I’ve never worked harder on a project and I really want to see this succeed, it’s all down to you brilliant people now!

Personal social media links under my picture!